Monday, 25 February 2013

The delayed delay

OMG! I'll make this one a short one. Actually I just typed it just now and I was just about to post it but then the wifi disconnected. *Sigh...

Anyway, I would like to thanked my beloved friends... All-X, Jelly, Seen T and Van Air Sha.. You know who.. hahaha... They sent me to the airport because I need to go back to my hometown for something. Currently I have some health problem and I really hope that it can be cured soon. Huhu.. I don't like the feeling and I really hate it that I have to skipped my lecture especially knowing that my previous grades is not so okay (but I am still grateful.. Thank God).

So, right now I am at the airport... Waiting for my delayed flight... Its delayed for almost 2 hour and a haldf.. Huhu.. sad, especially this is my first time going with this airlines. Anyway... Huhu... Thanks a lot to my very supportive friends (name mentioned above) that they are willing to be with me here.. Waiting.. Thank God that I am allowed to be away from the waiting hall and given free KFC coupon... (Don't know whether I will redeem them or not).

Anyway, for the picture.. This is me in my trial to make a video for my next post.. I'll post the video later... Anyway.. Don't forget to pray for me yea? Hope that I'll be healed soon. Amen.


What February Means to you?

Hey! Whats up everyone? Been away for quite some time and here I am again trying to be a better person as I had always trying to be. Before that just want to share with you that currently I am having problems with my health... Pray for me? Please? Hope that I'll be healed and be better soon? And for Catholics all around the world... Stay Healthy and stay strong in this Season of Lent... Fasting! Yea!

Me.. trying my Lil brother hair straighthener
How's life so far? Well, as for me life has never been easy but Hey! I need to remind myself that I should not count my troubles but I should always be grateful of all the blessings that is given upon me. Right? It is very important to stay positive though I know that it is not an easy thing to do especially when we think that we are surrounded by people who hates us so much and never stop threatening us! Right? It's okay. Just go with the flow.

So... this is actually my draft that I didn't managed to update before... So, now I'll just hit the 'post' button since I have another post that I really need to do right now... See u in another minute...ahaha..

Create a playlist at

Who Loves Me Loves MVL too!

My Students at SERENA

My Students at SERENA
Its cute!

Pidato Piala BPR

Pidato Piala BPR
Yearly Activity

Im Searching for The Piece Of Me

Im Searching for The Piece Of Me
Actually part of me still missing and im looking for it to have the PEACE inside of me!

My cute Actor!

My cute Actor!
i love this movie!