Sunday, 26 December 2010

What is this feeling?

For teen like me, its normal to have the feeling of love and of course in a relationship the feeling of jealousy will be together. Maybe not in all kind of relationship and it maybe not necessary for some people, but for me it means that how much we love the person that we do love. People may not understand how does it feel and what is the real feeling of that. Actually it hurts to be hurt by someone that we love. Often that we try our very best to avoid that feeling but sometime we just don't have the strength to do that. Fortunately, with the love that we have from someone that we love, there's nothing can blow it away because love has its own way to spread it's taste of joyful with it's white holy wings. For the one that I love (you know who you are), I can't stop myself to love you and I can't control this feeling because I am mad of you, fanatic to who you are and I'm stick with you always in my heart! I just want you to know, this feeling will last forever and I thanked you for your presence in my life, you have made me a better person and forget about my bad past. Congratulation to you because you managed making me have this life and this love only for you, now and forever.

poem for you :
listen to that whisper
a whisper of love tuned by me with this lovely harmonica
its a simple tuned
but its meaning can only be evaluate by you
because I have make it special for you
only you, the one that I love..
I will be grateful everyday that I have you...
Thanks honeyBee..

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