Monday, 17 January 2011

Miss Everything

Good Morning to ME! and of course to my Bff And my beloved Chippy! I just settled up my business with the CIMB thing (its my busyness actually). And right now sitting and waiting for the coming class which I am not sure to be in anymore or not.. but eventually it's in SPS- my fAVourite thing of all, MUSIC.
Chippy, I'd love to talk and write more about all of the previous days coz I got really alot of pic that I wanted to post in here.. actually a BUNCh of it...
I have a lovely diary and it really helps me a lot (I can clearly see that). I love it so much and since it is the cutest diary that I had ever have, I should use it wisely and not to repeat my actually bad habit which is delaying the diary writing and write it all as a summary ( a brilliant idea to solve the problem but not so smart as a ten years diary writer).
Okay..time is runnig very fast and lets just update on the thing that I've been doing lately...erm....I think posting those pic would be faster that to type it's the pic...
Food During PRS workshop
My new battery YEAY

Thats all for now....

always.. With love

Gior D' Ray

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