Wednesday, 9 March 2011

True love Isn't as it is?

The Poster
Actually I does not have any idea on how should I talk today (maybe I have). So, this title 'True love Isn't as it is' is actually taken from a tag line of a play by SPS and actually the real plan is to go and watch it but then since we have 'things' to do then we just stay at the library then. I don't know what the play is all about and hopefully there will be next time for us, me and my BFF to watch it. For me, love is the way how it should be... I love those kind of play, just like the play of 'Balagung Sundayang'. It is a love story and for me a story like that should be watched by those who are in love, want to be in love, and perhaps left in love? 
What ever it is, we should appreciate what we have right now because some day it maybe gone and by that time even if we put out the blood tears, it is useless. So, please appreciate your love. Love is all about give and take, give whatever you can to protect you love and take whatever you please before it's too late, and please say "I LOVE YOU" will you? 
For Chippy, I never forget to say your name in my prayer (maybe I did but not purposely did) and I even do it before I sleep (in my heart and my lips) because I love you and I really mean it.

With Love,

Gior D' Ray

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