Friday, 8 April 2011

Presentation & Oral exam

the Presentation

Our Cute teddy - Just receive it

Cute Aren't they?

The Oral
Okay, I guess I post too much today but I still want to do it since I don't have chance to do so for few days before. So, this post is about today and what had happened just now. Right now I am sitting in the library with my best friend and he's waiting for me until I finish my blogging.. Sabar okay genk? Hehehe..
Okay, today I have my presentation for a subject and I am glad that I've done mine (hopefully my lecturer like the lesson plan) and also I have my oral exam for the foreign language that I took. Erm.. It's not that difficult but since having lack of preparation, there you go.. You know the answer.. I don't want to fail, I don't want to repeat.. but if that happen, what more can I say? I will do my very best to pass this paper but if possible, I want to change this language to other language.. Hopefully Kadazan Dusun is fine.... Stress with it.. HUhu.. Pity me...
Okay.. I am Happy but I know I should do more assignment.. Oh.. I mean finish it all... Shouldn't wait...

With Love,

Gior D' Ray

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