Thursday, 20 October 2011

Being someone

I want to save money. Yeah. Why do I said that? Yeah. That is my very important virtue for current time (hopefully it will last longer, at least until I have another income.. Quite impossible but yeah... Don't know)
I just dont get it when people always trying to makes others life miserable. Let see some of the common sample,
1.A stall keeper ask for an extra money when we add a little bit more of some the spice in our food
2.People who stepped on others gadget and makes it turned off but does not even bother to say sorry
3.People who loves to stare at people with a killer eye and trying to show that they are holy while others are  
4.People who said that they are friend but always hurt others friend in any way that they could
5.People who cheat, by saying they did what we asked but they actually didn't

6.People who never understand that people want to be treated like how they themselves want
*Have lot more to say but just don't know what is it for even that I wrote it here.. USELESS..
Well, being someone who are chosen to educate people is said to be something that are very  holy. Really? Maybe some just do it for money? Some may do it for holiday? Some may do it to proves that they can do it? Some may do it for someone else?
Or could it be someone do it because it is what they love?
I don't care. I used to love this profession and I hope that I will love it more but I can feel that that feeling that used to stick deep inside of me has fade away. Why? I don't know. Well, maybe I know but I don't have to tell it here because I want to let only me, myself and I know the real reason.
No matter what it is, I will always put my very own effort to improve my skill in the field that I am related currently because that is what I supposed to do.
I have a great passion in Performing Arts and I love to do anything which related to the arts thing. I do not want to waste my time by doing something that I don't like. But again, is something that I like actually something worth to do?

Maybe today I am something that I felt like I don't really want to be, 
who knows tomorrow I will be the person that I always want to be,
hopefully that time I am not going to regret what I have decided.

With Love,
Gior D' Ray

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