Monday, 26 November 2012

When things doesn't go as you wish

Hey people! Hows weekend? Mine is a great one and it makes me keep on smiling. It means GREAT right?

This is going to be a short one. Right now in the library with the free Wifi and actually I wanted to share about the awesome weekend that I have but I am just too tired for that and I am so depressed currently when the Online Business that I manage (handle) currently is having a great obstacle where each time that I put up my advert on the wall or just anywhere on the board, it wont last for even a day. That makes me wondering, is that a trick done by other competitor (if it is, then why the only advert tear off is MINE?.. Like always MINE?), or is it by the officer because it is not certiified? (If it is, then why lots of uncertified advert is still there hanging till it looks like Batu Bersurat already?)... Herm.. Like I said, too tired to think though deep inside my heart tells that hey Levine, someone Hates you and that someone is trying to condemn you!... What should I do? Patience? Change my account? Change everything? Being Invisible? herm.. What? I got the answer.. For the ONE who did this to me/us MVL, don't worry.. I appreciate that you are being so concern that you managed to track every single advert that I've put up and you never fail in doing your 'tear MVL's poster' job. One thing for sure, I am not weak. Try me. I'll move on. Hate me. I don't care.  Piss me off. I'll ignore.

I designed this for MVL.. What do you think?

Dear lord, grant me strength. I know its not east but I know only you can help me, because you truly know what I need even before I tell and I ask. I love you Lord. Amen.

* Anyway, I'll share about the GREAT WEEKEND that I've has few days ago soon. Stay Tuned!

With Love,

Gior D' Ray
MVL's Founder.

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