Hello readers. Hope you still managed to find your way to my blog that I have abandoned again and again. The last entry that I posted was a few months ago and having some free time at the moment, I find its best for me to post something without any attached photo.
Often in life, we heard of the words saying, some changes in life is necessary if we want to improve and upgrade to a better version of ourselves. There are those who are always open to a new change while most are afraid of them. This is understandable as fear of change is an indirect way of telling ourselves how comfortable we truly are with our current situation and with what we have at the moment. Now, don't get me wrong. Being comfortable with our present state does shows that it is an act of being grateful but that does not means that there is nothing we are lacking at with what we currently have.
Now, if you are the type of person who most of the time have the fear of change; then perhaps you might want to have a clearer lists of reasons for why you need to have a little change on the life that you are currently having. I am going to list 3 possible reasons in general for what should people look at when wanting to have a change in their lives.
Three general reasons to have a change in life:
1. Mental health
2. Personal life goals
3. Demands on Needs & Want
To elaborate on these 3 points, I would like to highlight that these are specifically for working adult. Well, if you are a student, you might also want to read this as a preparation once you get there. You could also be an adult who currently studying and/or working at the same time. So, let's hope this one helps.
We often heard people talks about mental health and how important it is for us to keep our mental health at its best state. However, there might not be as much information that is available out there which we can fit it perfectly to anybody's situation. So, it is best if we first evaluate what kind of situation we exactly in and whether or not the suggested ways to overcome them suits us or not. It is the same with this one that I am going to be elaborating on. Make sure that you read more than enough before you can conclude what you should do in your own situation.
Anyways, mental health is most fragile when it comes to dealing with stuff at work. There could be many possible reasons that may leads to an unhealthy mental health. This normally linked to the fact that there is a toxic working culture felt or experienced in the workplace. While this may seems like something that we can do nothing about, actually we could start small with a little change. Maybe first we try to change several things in our workplace. For instance, is before the "toxic" incident took place, we were too close with our colleague at work; perhaps that could be our first small change. We can try to spend less time hanging out with those at work and focus more on our work and get home once done. This does not means that we must avoid our colleague because whatever it is we must stay professional. If there are things which requires us to work together then, we should but then again make sure it stays that way and not being around each other more than just for working purposes. If you have done this as one of the small change in your life then congratulation. I hope it works.
If you are a type of person who have so much fear of change that will take place in your life, then this might be the most relatable point for you to take the first step toward that change. Well, I truly believe that each and everyone of us have our very own lists of things that we would want to achieve in life. Some may have it small and some may be brave enough to have it big. Personally, I would say this to you; "Setting a life goal, dreams and wishes ARE FREE! If you can have the biggest goal in life set in your personal list for free then why would you go small?"
One thing I learnt about setting goals in life is that, when we set our mind to something in a form of a goal or benchmark, there is a great probability that what we get is one or two steps below the goal that we have set. Well, let me tell you. There are some who will say; if you know you can't have it then why bother setting it? This mindset is seriously unacceptable because saying this also means something like "If you can't breath a fresh and nice air then why bother breathing at all?" Now, do you see what I was trying to tell you?
If you find that you are still going nowhere even after setting your life goal then maybe you need to reevaluate on the "What, Why, and How" did you do your personal life goals lists. You might think that by having it all written and listed out is good enough but the truth is, that is merely the first steps of getting towards it. If you want to make it work the way it should then you must do it properly.
Here are some tips on how you can come out with your personal life goals.
1. Writing it out is VERY IMPORTANT.
You might think that having it all set in your mind is enough; well its NOT. So, get your pen and paper, start writing it out. A simple one would do. Once the list is done, you may paste it on any surface that you get to see it everyday. This will be a reminder to you on what is that BIG THING you are working and striving on.
2. Setting the timeline is REALLY HELPFUL
Timeline is what most people lacking at when outlining their life goal. You should always set the timeline for each goal. Now, when you do this remember to have everything taken into consideration. Things like your current commitment, you current "disability" which may stop you from achieving it in a short period of time. Remember, time is the essence of a powerful life goals. With all the date or month or years written on the side of each goals, you know that this requires a follow up and a check-up. Doing so will help you to know when to slow down or accelerate your speed.
3. Be realistic and revising your goal once a while is CRUCIAL
It is true that having as big as we want in our life goal is fine because its free. Well, it is free for us to have it in our list but along with those list comes challenges and responsibilities. So yes, you are free to write whatever you want in your list as long as you are ready and willing to pick up the basket filled with the bittersweet stuff in one package. You must be realistic on the type of goal, expected time to achieve and last but not least, revise your goals and their timeline timely. Revising is necessary for act of response or amendment.
Being grateful is really an act of feeling blessed and whole. However, we had to keep up to what is going on around us in order for us to not become the victim of change of situation. Note that "change of situation" phrase. While many dislike changes, situation is one of the million things that is not in our hand to control. Take the Covid-19 pandemic as a strong example. I hate to keep reminding on the deadly virus but it is the change of situation and truth we have no choice but to face and live with.
Same goes with demands on needs and wants. As time goes by, our needs and wants differ according to the demand. At the age of 18-22, our demand mostly focusing on upgrading our education level and later on at the age of 23 and above we demand to have a stable job with a good income. Car for example during our university years, is more of a want than a need because back when we were in the university years, having hostels cut off the need of having a car for transportation while entering the age of 23 and above it all change from wants to need.
The list goes on and on with other properties or life achievement we put into our checklist. Moving on from one age to another is yet another great example of change that is not in our power to control. Its a change that we must face and endure. Now, if you are still having that thought of "I am scared if...." then please remember that you had your demands on needs and wants changed from time to time. Thus, what is the problem with giving yourself to decide some other changes in your own lives, right?
So, my answer to the question; "Change in life: Alteration or Renovation?" is alteration is needed whether we want to stick to the original plan or bend a little to get to the same destination. Renovation on the other hand is, knowing that when one door closes another door opens is like a new hope for a greater good. Its okay to change everything 360 degrees because we never know how things are when we first hard it in plan. So, once we had a new input of information, that is "something has changed" and my change is needed too.
Well, that would be it for this entry. I really hope that you enjoy reading my blog. Do leave your comment, responds or suggestions so I know what else should I be sharing about and whether or not I have done my best in doing my part as a blogger.
Thanks for dropping by.
Adam Geordrey.
A High School Teacher
A Public Gold Active Dealer
A Tokio Marine Insurance Agent
A soon to be millionaire
A human.
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