Friday, 22 October 2010

i could see you in every thing

how deep is our love towards our lover
do we still love them when they never realise it?
love sometimes said to be blind
but sometime the love itself shows the right way to heaven
its so nice to have love
even though sometime the love is only one way
despite its supposed to be in two way... love...
can anyone tell what would it be without love?
can we survive without God's love?
can we live it without love of humanity?
can we struggle in everything without the love of the people and thing that we love?
who knows?
but for me.. one thing that i love the most is the love itself because it creates everything to be just nice..
don't hate love..
when we failed, actually we have take the wrong step..
so try to stand up and walk in other way..
in that way..
we will found that love means everything...

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