Friday, 8 October 2010

Love Mean Something

have you ever felt that when you see someone strange when you see someone that you love?
Especially when it happens all of a sudden...
That is what happening to a person that fall in love and drown in it,
you'll never see the bad side of your love one,
you'll only see that your love one is the best,
and that is the time where you will said this common sentence every day, every hour, and every second..
"you are my all in all!"
When you saw someone that you love,
your world and everything around you will turn into your favourite colour,
That is what love means to be something,
because love is something that means everything,
especially to those who win the battle in it,
for those who ever beat by it,
keep on fighting because love can't help you to approach the love it self
unless you work for it and then only
you'll win the great prize in it!

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