Friday, 18 November 2011


I have my day come and go. Everyday it happened to be that way I always try to make sure that all the days that I have with me are used wisely and of course in a universal way. It is such a great waste when we just let that day go away without leaving something useful in it. Well, I am not perfect anyway. Often that I failed to filled my day with full of joy and commitment towards something that I should. Well, God is always try His best to guide us and of course to keep us accompanied by Him. He left us with the simplest task to be done and yet it is the most difficult part that we always categorize in our life. For sure there will be a lot of excuses given by us, just the same like we did for anything else in this world. Same goes with the life as a student, it often happen till some people thought it is just a lame excuse. That's the hardest part anyway because not every people is like that. I leave this thought for everyone to digest based on  our own view.
Anyway, just want to move on with whatever that I should, and of course it is all related to study, life, God, Love and ambition (a lot more but this one highlighted for this entry). Want to be something that we really love is often the uneasy job to do but we still keep on trying even that we know it is IMPOSSIBLE but just believe in ourselves because it will blow us away from the impossibilities and bring us nearer to the possibilities.

Random Pic

By the way, yesterday I was an emcee for our school program and I actually have "No COMMENT" for it. Well, I have the intention to go with my own decision but I still go on with the other plan just because I don't want people to judge me of being unprofessional. I am being professional in my career for my own sake (for their's to be more precise) and I just have another thought that it may be something that teach me a lot about people. Anyway, just leave it that way.

The guest.. I guess...
People, live your day and your life the way you want it. But don't forget to ask Lord's guidance.

With Love,

Gior D' Ray

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