Wednesday, 23 November 2011

If you need something work for it

People, do you have anything that you really want and it can actually makes you die if you did not manage to get it? Erm, I guess everyone did. If anyone tells me that they have none, they are a BIG FAT LIER!!! Well, then just be yourself because the only way to get our goal reach is to be ourselves. Anyway, this is all about ambition, target and it could be a wish. The rule is simple, if you want it then work for it. There is nothing impossible if we make it possible.
Miss My Home

Miss My mum's cooking
 Today's message, Love and Appreciate.

With Love,

Gior D' Ray

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Who Loves Me Loves MVL too!

My Students at SERENA

My Students at SERENA
Its cute!

Pidato Piala BPR

Pidato Piala BPR
Yearly Activity

Im Searching for The Piece Of Me

Im Searching for The Piece Of Me
Actually part of me still missing and im looking for it to have the PEACE inside of me!

My cute Actor!

My cute Actor!
i love this movie!