Thursday, 24 April 2014

It is not difficult yet it is not that easy

Hello all. This is going to be as short one. Just to let the world know (if the world want to). My feelings of being someone somewhere now... at the moment. Well, I know this is not an easy thing to do. I may be seen as taking thing lightly, I may not be. I am trying. Struggling... Still the same me... Struggling in something which I have lost interest in it. I used to love it so much... The four months experience when I was 19 is bad enough. Seriously.

I am not giving up. Like I said. I will keep on trying. Trying to give my very best. Trying to be the best. I may be... I may also not be. Well, I give it all to Him. Let Him decide. I am trying. If I am not that sincere then, failing might be the best punishment for me. I accept it.

Adam Geordrey
"Trying to get up while the wind is trying harder to blow me away".

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