Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Pressure. Passion. Pleasure

Hello there! Coming down all the way from a point where I felt like I am almost falling down with the heavy burden on my shoulder. Some may be enjoying themselves doing things that they are doing but for me I do not really enjoy what I am doing right now. If you happens to forgot what i used to tell you in the previous post let me restate it here... "we... Including me are using this moment of our practical to see whether we want to remain in this profession of quit and find a better thing to do..." Now, just to have a pre-respond to that statement I would say that my heart keeps on telling me to go and leave it behind. This is seriously not my passion. I might succeed in finding the passion that I need in doing what I am doing right now if I managed to get a right place with a right atmosphere. I know that if anybody hear what I am talking about right now I am pretty sure that everyone will say that I am crazy and being ungrateful because it is something that everyone want to have but they did not managed to get it because they are not the chosen one. The thing is that, you do not know how hard it is for me... Have you heard of a statement saying that if you do something that you love it would not feel like a job but it is just like having fun and that is what I am looking for.

Well, I whatever it is I am still counting the days and I hope I can still get the strength that I need to proceed in the journey that I am sure to take soon. This is a preparation and I should be able to handle everything just like what my seniors did. I am counting the days to have my hair coloured. Yeah! Can't wait for that. It is just an expression to let go of the feelings of being a depressed body. Just wait and see whether it will works the way I want it to or what.. Okay? 

I love this colour!

I love this too!
What about this one?

God Bless everybody!

Adam Geordrey
Try to be stronger everyday!

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