Wednesday, 20 October 2010

LoVe liFe

What should we do as a student?
What should we do as a guy or perhaps a boy?
what should i do as a son?
what should i do as a brother?
what should i do as a God worshiper?
and should i also ask...
what should i do as a boyfriend?
I don't have the answer but i will find the answer
i need to know how is it should be...
who can give me the answer??
I hope and i can be a better person
its always what i want to do and be
but its not that easy to make it in reality...
so the only way is by work on it harder
and even smarter..
today..the time is too precious and 
its too expensive to be waste...
so Adam...please appreciate it!

1 comment:

nuranne said...

be your best self...

Create a playlist at

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